Alright. You made it here!
(High five.)

If you’ve gotten this far, you must be interested in learning how to live healthy, eat healthy, improve your energy, and maybe take your “green-life” kitchen skills to a whole new level.

Welcome to Wake the Wolves
We’re here to SCHOOL you on how to make healthy living simple, doable, and as positively habit forming as your daily showers (assuming you do take showers). If you’re like us, you must be busy with the craziness of life — your job, friends, family, juggling the 50-million things on your plate, AND want to live healthy and stay beautiful (without it being too complex OR serious). This website will entertain, educate, and show you how to FINALLY get in a healthy groove. You will roll up your sleeves, make food you’ve never tried before, laugh, watch helpful videos, listen to interviews, get magically mesmerized by step-by-step photos, and hopefully (crossing fingers) close your digital-screen totally inspired to take action.
Common obstacles we know well are:
1) I don’t have time. 2) sh!t is too hard or complicated. 3) what the heck do I buy? organic or natural? 4) this tastes nasty. 5) I don’t know how to cook/make/do (this).
AND THE BIG BONUS: I’ll do it later.
We’ll help you remove those obstacles. Follow these 5 helpful steps and…
This short clip will change your WHOLE perspective on “what healthy means.” Grasping this very key concept, will help you overcome MAJOR obstacles down the road.
We’ve designed weekly newsletters to get you over the “humps” (no time, I don’t know how,…I’ll do it later, etc.). Are you on the list? Freebies, giveaways, laughs, motivation, and lots of actionable stuff will come your way. Don’t miss out! Sign up here.

We wrote “Kale. All Day. Err Day.” to be light-hearted, comical, and oh-so helpful. PLUS you’ll see how we weren’t always this healthy-minded! It’s loaded with pics and tips, and we’re sure you’ll be somewhat entertained. Download it here. Recipes included.

Have you checked out the wake-up manifesto? If not, you can read all about it, memorize it, print a copy, and even tape it up in your bathroom (highly recommended). It’s a reminder for all things healthy (created just for you – here)!

Getting started can be tough, but MAINTAINING your goals can be harder. Stay “in the convo,” and spread the healthy love. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and pin like crazy on Pinterest. Don’t be shy. Life’s too short to hold back.