This week, it will be officially Spring (yessir) and we’re here to share some of our favorite ways to reduce stress and celebrate the beginning to this OH-SO-FAB season.
As you wrap up the new year grind (and taxes), you may be feeling a bit run down. Not to worry, it’s actually quite common.
We’re in transition!
NOTE: Bare with us, as we may get a bit “woo-woo” for a second…
When you think back to 3rd grade natural science class, you may remember learning about bears coming out of hibernation, or butterflies emerging from cocoons, or even new sprouts coming out of the ground. In order for this to happen, these very natural, organic elements of this earth, have to go through transition. Think about it. Would a bear energetically pop out of its hole? Or would she slowly wiggle her toes, stretch her spine, and perhaps squint her eyes as she is awoken by sunlight again?
Give yourself a break.
If you are feeling a bit funky or out of place these past few weeks, even if it’s simply adjusting to daylight savings times, give yourself a break. Your natural biorhythm and cycles are working.
Besides, what makes you think that your superhero ways can keep you running at the same pace that you did back in January?
And guess what? We ARE natural, organic elements of this earth, just like that bear or that butterfly. And sometimes we forget that.
5 tips to reduce that stress!
If you are feeling in transition, bombarded with seasonal wrap-ups, yet experiencing a natural desire for something new, different, refreshing…then you are probably experiencing the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. Don’t resist it, embrace it. Here are our 5 favorite ways to reduce stress and prepare for change.
Start eating FRESH vegetables, daily.
So this is the time of the year when your body will naturally start to crave fresh, crunchy veggies instead of cooked, bowls of stew (unless you’re maybe in the snow). Don’t believe us? We dare you to take a mindful moment this week and really tap into your craving alarm bells at lunch time. Try this new “Collard Green Wraps” recipe for something different.
Clean your crap.
Whatever your “crap” is, clean it up. And if it’s not your crap, feel free to ask for help. The small stuff, like an unswept hallway, overflowing drawers, piled laundry, or even crumb remnants in your refrigerator, can subconsciously drive your stress up the wall. Dive into the traditional “spring cleaning” mode and straighten it up. And if your excuse is: “I don’t have time,” then your first task is to make the time.
BALLSBEADS!That’s a really blunt way of saying…just exercise. You will naturally boost your energy, fill up with happy hormones, and flush the days bad news straight out of your bones. You’ll feel so much better – almost instantly.
Increase your sleep by 30 minutes.
Sleep does wonderful things to your hormones, your ability to lose weight, your skin, and most noticeably your ATT-I-TUDE! So we can suggest the whole 7-8 hour a night thing, or you can slowly work towards a goal to increase your nightly sleep by 30 minutes. Nail that and you can work towards more later.
Breathe deep regularly.
Remember that transition you are feeling – that tired, sluggish, “where did this year go…I have so much stuff to do” feeling we talked about a few paragraphs ago? Practice deep breathing to ease you back down to reality that you are human, there are only 24 hours in a day, and you can figure “it” out (whatever “it” may be).
Try it now.
Deep breathe in…………
now deep breath out……..
Kale. All Day. Err Day.
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