I took these photos with my iPhone at 9:12pm.
I didn’t plan on writing this.
Heck. My business partner doesn’t even know I’m posting this.
It’s ok. He’s my husband.
I needed to bring you guys close, because honestly…
You deserve an update!
What is up WOLF PACK?
It’s Fall 2016 – one and a half years since we launched this project (while also working full time in our other company, Make. Do. Good.).
Yes, you read that correctly. We’re running two businesses at once – exploring life, its possibilities, and how we can continue to make a positive impact in this world.
Year 1.5 (right now), our butts are getting kicked.
Bad. But in a really good way.
When we launched Wake the Wolves, we wanted to really work hard to elevate diversity and health – share FREE helpful tips, elevate our Wellness expert friends doing awesome things, and slowly release a book series that would help you all overcome barriers we faced (or are currently facing) in our healthy journey.
Who knew that it would demand more time than we allotted? Can someone tell me why 24 hours can’t be 34 hours? I literally kick myself in the butt for not keeping up with a faster pace, BUT…I tend to do that a lot – you know, be hard on yourself for not being able to do it all. It’s like body shaming, but for the mind. Mind shaming maybe? Hashtag that somebody!
As a husband and wife (self-employed) team, we work pretty diligently on business because we’re kind of running the show. Sick days? Pshhh. What’s that? There is no 5pm clockout, however we do make the rules that healthy food in the fridge and exercise are ESSENTIAL for creativity and productivity.
Business and learning about each other has been exponentially positive and life-giving this year (even during our first year as a married couple), but there’s something heavy on my shoulders. And it’s really all stemming from the fact that I am not keeping up with the pace I’d like to have for Wake the Wolves. Thankfully, the best way to get rid of that brick, is to be brutally honest and admit it.
I’m ready to give up the brick folks – the pressure that has been building up to stay on top of it all. No no, it doesn’t mean “give up.” It means, let go of the pressure that holds me (and you) back from BEING AWESOME and thankful for where we are. That creates the space to reset expectations.
So where are we?
We are here. Our blog will slowly pick back up again. Our new “Superfoods Superheroes” book will finally be released soon. Our team is getting ramped up. And our shirts, well…ya’ll kill them so quickly we are trying to make sure we keep up with inventory and sizes. Not great at that yet, but stick with us.
Something to reflect on.
Do you have a brick you’ve been carrying? A sense of pressure or expectation about yourself, family, body, or career that you haven’t met yet? Maybe – quite maybe, you might be inspired to let that go.
Give yourself permission to be where you are, reset goals and expectations, and then take one foot forward again. Me writing this, has already helped!
Stay woke wolf pack.
with ❤ + soul,
Co-Creator of Wake the Wolves
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