July is one of the flyest months of the year. It’s a “pack-yo-bags” kind of month where healthy travel snacks are going to be needed if you’ve been joining this healthy lifestyle adventure called “life.” Seriously. Don’t UNDO all of your hard work. And if you’re saying, “well I haven’t been that healthy anyway,” you can start RIGHT THIS MOMENT.
Now before we dive into the top 6 snacks we recommend for your suitcase (right next to your swimsuit and sunscreen), we’d like to lay down some REALNESS that inspired us to write this post, and remind you to take a VACATION! Since launching only half a year ago, our team has experienced a fat growth spurt. Think stretch marks on your thighs – nature’s tiger scratches that remind you how far you’ve come (love them proud).
A year ago, this Wake the Wolves project did not exist. In fact, it was something that was more of a subconscious thought – not even a seed that had been planted yet. Six months before then (so Jan 2014), our co-founder, Graham, lost his job of 9+ years in the skateboard / streetwear design industry. I was splitting from an old business, leaping into a consulting career, and supporting my mom as she transitioned from a public school principal to a retired grandma. It was these grownup, Earth-shaking moments that really brought us together.
As his partner in life (and eventually business), it forced me to lean into the concept of TEAMWORK.
“What do I do? Should I cry? No. That won’t do shit. Should I yell and say ‘I told you so.’ Nope. That will only make him feel worse. Instead, I closed my eyes, prayed, and went to sleep. That’s what I did. And in the morning, I held his hand on a walk and said, we’ll be alright.”
Since then, we’ve been on a path to creating something from nothing. Our first company, Make. Do Good. (a design strategy group) kicked off in January 2014 and has been one of the most successful projects we’ve created in our lifetime. And one year after that (Jan 2015), we decided it was time to launch a project about health – Wake the Wolves! As co-founders, who experienced major health transformations, we wanted to share that WHOLE HEALTH is possible.
But wait. What happens if we become unhealthy all over again?
It was on my heart to write this post. Mostly to reveal and tell you that we’re not perfect, even in our growth and successes. In fact, just like all of you, we struggle, we cry, we argue, we have breakdowns, and sometimes leave the room not talking. We share this as a company, because these are signs that we have to take a step back for a moment.
Have you been HERE?
- stressed
- overworked
- annoyed
- cloudy
- moody
- self doubt
- confusion
- sleepless nights
- avoidance
- isolation
- no exercise
- less sleep
- stress eating
- crappy food choices
Take a mother freakin vacation. Really. It’s time to take a step back. We see this in ourselves and we know it’s time to check out. One of the biggest lessons we’ve learned (through trial and error), is that nobody owns our time more than we do. From road trips, flights back to Hawaii, or simple weekend staycations (long walks and a meal at the park), we’ve learned to CREATE time-outs because it’s essential to our success.
And now for the fun stuff.
Are you ready to plan a trip yet?
Now that you’ve actually contemplated taking a vacation, or perhaps re-visiting recent photos to remind you how AMAZING the experience was, you’re ready to get the low down on six healthy travel snacks that require NO preparation.
Dark Chocolate
Remember all of your hard work to reduce your sugar intake? Instead of reaching for tourist trap sweets, pack a bar of dark chocolate. We love Alter Eco 85% dark chocolate because it’s smooth with a hint of sweet. A few squares of this will not derail you from your goals as long as you don’t scarf the whole thing in one sitting. (By the way – it’s also fair trade chocolate, which means the farmers, traders, and environment are ethically compensated and cared for.)
Raw Walnuts
We all need crunch! Raw walnuts, or heck unsalted nuts or seeds can really satisfy the desire to eat something crunchy. Go for UNSALTED to avoid travel bloat. Stuffing your painted toes into your sandals due to salt induced snacking will not feel so hot. These nuts are filled with good fats, are easy to carry, and will tide you over until you reach your next destination.
Coconut Oil (and Q-tips)
Mostly used for cooking, this oil is also great for removing makeup and moistening skin (like dry heels from too much beach time). A tiny jar of this can go a long way and reduce the number of toiletries you have to pack.
Tea (and a Tea Infuser or just tea bags)
Wake up and relax with a morning cup of tea! Most Airbnb spots or hotels have a kitchenette. When you have healthy morning options around, you will not only save money (and avoid Starbucks), but you’ll feel so happy that you can roll out of bed, throw on a robe, and drink a cup of tea while staring out your new window.
Chia Seeds
If you’re working on increasing healthy fats, hydrating the body, and staying fuller, longer, then pack CHIA SEEDS. Throw these mini bad boys on top of yogurt, a salad, in a jar with coconut water, or if you have access to a blender, throw them in a smoothie. Keep your healthy fats going strong! (TOP SECRET: our upcoming book will go deeper into chia seeds and other fab superfoods.)
Nori (aka Seaweed)
Greens are an important part of the Wake the Wolves VEGGIE CENTRIC food philosophy, but we know that the accessibility of greens on the road may not be there when you need it. Pack a few sheets of raw nori for a light snack, or you can even use them for wraps if you’d like.
Staying on track with your health goals while vacationing may not be as easy as your “home routine,” but it is possible. Pack a few snacks for the plane, a pair of tennis shoes (for walking, jogging, or make-shift exercises), and a water bottle, and you’ll be all set to recharge and enjoy the sites.
Top 6 tips WE use to stay on-track:
- Try to eat greens with every meal (look for salads or local greens).
- Move everyday (swim, walk, cycle, etc.).
- Drink water (in-between your frozen alcohol treats).
- Reduce, limit, or completely shut-off from the digital world as much as you can (phone included).
- Cook whenever you can (enjoy local ingredients and throw together SIMPLE snacks and meals). This will help save money and the extra sugars and fats that may slow you down.
- Keep your sugar intake low (mixed drinks included).
Kale. All Day. Err Day.
This is a great list! It’s often so difficult to find healthy foods (especially leafy greens) when you’re travelling. You’ve shown how easy it is to prepare to stay healthy on vacation. Thanks!
Super interesting tips & ideas. I am definitely on board with making life healthier, and this kind of info is just what I need to be successful. Thank you & keep up the great posts!
Thanks Kate!