So many people ask us, how did we “follow our dreams” to start this project, but not too many people realize the amount of work that goes into building something, from nothing.
While we can’t tell you whether you should follow your own dreams, we can tell you that when you combine VISION + DOING GOOD + COMMUNITY, amazing things will flourish. Trust yourself, then take a leap. YOU HAVE ONE LIFE!
Exactly 365 days ago, Graham and I launched Wake the Wolves with a solid mission to be recklessly fun and bold in bringing healthy-conscious living straight into the fingertips of a diverse people.
We launched with a new book in Apple iBooks and our signature Hella Healthy® shirts in our pockets and had no idea that it would grow so quickly!
While many of you know our story, let’s just reiterate some key facts and why we’re SO DARN PROUD OF YOU this year! Yes YOU.
- We didn’t always live healthy lives.
- We battled with weight, sluggish energy, and feeling like crap.
- We fought an uphill battle and learned a ton about our health. (And just to be totally clear, it’s a LIFELONG journey – always growing n’ learning.)
- Going back to school to study Holistic Nutrition eventually led to projects – like this one!
- Scared, but determined – we knew we couldn’t hoard the information we know.
- We decided to create a fun, stylish, and diverse community to celebrate HEALTH.
- We launched Wake the Wolves in 2015 as a BETA test to see if anyone would be interested.
- We kind of expected crickets, but got such a LOUD response. And THANKS TO YOU, you busted our behinds this last year. (Still kind of bruised, but in a good way:)
- Running this as a side project while we grow (like working 7-days a week at the wee hours of the night), was one of the most fulfilling experiences of our lifetime so far.
- Hearing your stories, seeing all of your pics, crying when we read your letters, sending off packages (from Kuwait, to Australia, to Hong Kong, to Brooklyn and beyond), and seeing the thousands of downloads on our first book has given us the juice to take this BETA project into a real-deal project for 2016.
WE ARE SO DARN PROUD OF YOU…and what you’ve shared with the world.
And now, we are flipping our lives upside down to pump more energy into Wake the Wolves…just for you!
Here’s our 2015 year in review.
So what’s next?
We have so much in store for 2016, but before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s just say that you’ll see a lot more of us, new team members, new books, new wearable goods, and more LIVE events to connect with a COMMUNITY of folks…all shooting for the same goal!
To life, love, health, and happiness, we wish you a #hellahealthy 2016.
Stay tuned for more updates. You are on the special newsletter list right? If not, sign up below!
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