Hey everyone. You asked for it, so we’re dropping in with more videos and photos of us and the team (showing you the full picture and behind the scene shots). This one is candid, raw, and perfect for today. We’re talking about losing weight, and creating a healthy lifestyle – forever (because it’s my birthday).
43 YearS Young
Yes, it’s my 43rd birthday. Whoa. I know.
I’m not a big birthday person, but we thought today was a special day to celebrate and reflect on our journey and share it with all of you as brand new entrepreneurs. We’re rolling out more books and goods soon, and this whole “let’s be transparent thing and share it with others” is all a part of the next phase of this project.
This birthday morning, we had a “come to Jesus moment.” Here’s a snippet of what we talked about:
Steph: “Babe. You know that saying: ‘the way to a man’s heart, is through his belly?”
Graham: “Yeah.”
Steph: “Well. I think I had it all wrong years ago. I mean, I was on the beginning of my path to live healthy and you weren’t, but I didn’t think anything of it. I thought loving you, was feeding you whatever you wanted. It made you happy, right?”
Graham: “I thought so.”
Steph: “Now, I think that loving your partner, is also about looking out for them, working together, and elevating each other, which sometimes means putting your foot down. The way we were living and cooking and eating could have really put us on a path closer to death, you know? I can’t even imagine where we’d be today, if we hadn’t decided to change…and just START. We drank and ate a lot of junk. I think folks would be moved by your photos. Can we share them…please?”
Graham: “Um…only if you want me to kill you. Haha. I’m kidding. Let’s do it.”
My Birthday Seven Years Ago – 2008
Seven years ago, Steph and I celebrated my first birthday as a couple. It was 2008. She was just beginning her healthy journey, and I was…NOT. She found some photos of our celebration, which started with a big breakfast in bed and followed with dinner, wine, and dessert. No greens were on the plate. Everything was sugar heavy.
Enjoy the photos. Don’t laugh. Ok fine. Laugh. It’s worth it for me to share this with you, if it inspires you to make a change.
My Birthday Today – 2015
Today, we started my birthday off a little different than seven years ago. We ran a few miles and Steph HATES to run. It was my time to coach her because it’s her weak point. If you think we always woke up early, you are wrong. Two weeks ago, we were on a 3am sleep time routine and had many dragging mornings.
Inspired by a recent road trip, Steph decided to share a new perspective to our day. 5:45am wakeup calls, morning workouts, a highly productive day, and an early bedtime — even on my birthday!
This morning especially was super peaceful. We saw the sun shining through the clouds over the East Bay. The city was quiet. And we had the streets to ourselves.
Of course an easy run for me, wouldn’t be the only thing Steph had in mind. She brought along inexpensive resistance bands and to the top we climbed hills. We came home, made breakfast full of leafy greens and superfoods, and actually had time to let our food digest before hitting the workload.
I can’t emphasize this enough, that the little, small things we all can add to our day, can really make a difference. Hack at it for years, and you’ll realize that you’ve shifted your lifestyle for the better.
And if you are reading this post, comparing your life to mine. STOP RIGHT NOW. This is not meant for you to “shame” yourself about what you could have (or should have) done years ago. For me, my journey started with “wake up calls” back in 2008 that I could not ignore. I struggle too and each day presents new challenges. My wish for YOU today on my birthday, is that you START whatever it is that you’ve always wanted for yourself.
Here’s my birthday gift to all of you:
- We all can make changes. You just have to want them. Dig deep and find a reason that wakes you up in the morning.
- It’s never too late.
- Life never makes sense looking forward. Only backwards. (Seven years ago, I had no idea that I’d be building a business and project to inspire others to lead healthy lives.)
- Yes, no doubt. This does take hard work, commitment, and dedication, but soon, you’ll see how it just becomes a part of you and your day.
- Elevate others. Bring them with you. It’s more fun that way.
- You are never alone.
Go ahead and make that #hellahealthy change. You deserve that – for you, your partner, your friends, your family, and your community. And if you don’t know where to start, begin by adding more leafy greens to your plate throughout the day. It’s a game changer. Read our first book all about our love/hate relationship with kale. It’s still FREE…for now.
Kale. All Day. Err Day.
Beautifully modest and honest. Thank you for sharing this !
So great that you found this post! Blessed. Thanks for reading!!!