We practice LOVING our-selves. Not to sound woo-woo, but it’s important that we re-train the mind to “love who we are, love who we ain’t” (Outkast).
music uplifts the body.
music changes your mood.
music is universal.
music brings us back.
music is motivational.
music makes us feel good.
Standing in front of the mirror and nit-picking at the blessed you, that you are, does nothing for us. And if you don’t believe that other people feel your energy, then you are wrong. Love emulates from our very own thoughts about ourselves and our worth.
And yes, you are worth it.
This workout playlist is to inspire the STRENGTH in you, while also taking you back to a few nostalgic favorites that actually may just get you up and running. From old school Outkast, to Kanye, we think this might do the trick. We’re not the biggest fans of New Year’s resolutions, because we aspire to make this a forever thing, BUT if it works for you to get on your healthy game, then please go along with it.
- a morning “pump-you-up” (while getting ready)
- an intense workout (no gym necessary)
- deep cleaning (for the mess you’ve been avoiding)