F* starvation diets and $1,000 cleanses.
If kale no longer does the trick to cleanse you out, it might be time to add this superfood, super-fruit to your repertoire: PAPAYA. Yes, it’s magic. And yes, you can actually cleanse the body and get all of that stagnant, bloated, bulge moving again.
Papaya is highly recognized for its antioxidant properties, its fiber content, natural laxative abilities, and the enzymes that help with balancing stomach acid for healthy digestion. And if none of this makes sense, follow my 100+ year old Hawaiian grandmother’s ritual: “eat papaya (and poi) daily for good poop.”
Taste matters
Sometimes we hate picking up 200+ page books (or lengthy blogs) that go on-and-on about nutritional benefits. Why? Because small, tiny print words do not motivate us to actually get in the kitchen and bring the food to our mouths.
We like to go back to the simple days:
try the food
taste it
see how it makes you feel
Just a fare warning: papaya may naturally cleanse the body, boost energy, and promote digestive health. It also tastes delicious all by itself, in smoothies, in salads, or even salad dressings.
Inspired by the local abundance of papaya in the summer (at least in tropical islands) or in the “imported” tropical section of your local grocery store, we threw together a few recipes worth trying at home. Although it may not be grown locally in the mainland states, you should be able to find a ripe papaya from Hawaii or Mexico in your local grocery store or asian market. (Choose organic when possible, since they are highly sprayed with pesticides.)
If you have a fussy belly, if you’re interested in naturally cleansing the body, or if you are simply looking for some creative kitchen inspiration, check out the simple and refreshing recipes below:
Papaya Yogurt Bowl
Cucumber Papaya Salad
Peppery Papaya Seed Dressing
Kale. All Day. Err Day.
how many of you eat this wonderful fruit,detailed points about papayashealth benefits of papayas
Hi Ronja — such great questions and YAY for 5 weeks in Kauai. You are going to enjoy every bit of the aina (land) as we call it :). Ok so this post, is really more for everyday folks that are looking for help in the “poop-daily” area. However, if you are looking to experiment with mono meals, I just pulled up my nutrition books about food combining. Unlike my papaya salad dressing recipe (which does use oil), you are probably wanting to take this a bit further.
Papaya is a sub-acid fruit (not extremely acidic and not too sweet). It goes well with acid fruits. Think pineapple, lemon, and other citrus. It also goes well with leafy greens. I’d take young kale or spinach leaves, add a squeeze of lemon, and cubes of papaya!
As for mono-meals in general, I have never experimented with it, nor coached clients on eating that way, so I don’t have much tips beyond food combo ideas. My best piece of woman-to-woman advice, is to listen to your body. As you prepare for an AWESOME trip, and eat some of the best tasting papaya in the world, listen to how you body feels. It will definitely respond!!!
Take care and keep in touch. We’d love to hear how your journey goes!
-Steph & the whole Wake the Wolves team