1. Get your mind straight
Don’t think that Thanksgiving needs to be about pigging out and feeling like crap after. Let this year be different than the previous. You can always pack up leftovers for later, and remember your body can only handle so much at one time before it starts to store it as fat for later.
2. Early Morning Reflection.
Wake up and lay in bed for 1 whole minute to reflect on all the things you are thankful for. Thanks to our yogi friend and teacher (Anna Hughes), she taught us this great thing…
Close your eyes and think about all the great things in your life. The small and the big things that you are grateful for. Just let the thoughts flow and pass through your mind like clouds moving through the sky. Then inhale and consider what life would be like if you focus more on this…vs…’that,’ ya know?
(Ahh we love this exercise).
3. Start your day by taking a walk
Multiple studies show the benefit of morning, outdoor exercise. If you’re always running to work in the morning and finally have Thanksgiving as a day off, it’s a great day to treat yourself to a morning, outdoor sesh.

4. Wear comfy clothes
Cooking and hanging with friends and fam always feels better when you are comfortable. Save the high heels and flossy outfit for a night out. We swear our best dishes come out when we are in comfortable ‘home chef’ attire.
5. Help out
Don’t be the annoying person that doesn’t help. While some folks don’t want you in their kitchen, you can always find something to do that’s helpful to someone else. Heck, you might be really helpful taking out the trash, or walking the dog.
6. Ask people for help
(if you’re always doing the work)
For all you folks that don’t know how to ask for help, today is your day to try it out. People really do like feeling needed, so put someone to work. If not for you, do it for them 😉
7. Know how to portion your plate
Leafy greens or vegetables (and no we’re not talking potatoes as a veggie) should take up a good portion of your plate. Then protein (turkey or vegan option). And last, complex carbs – think sweet potatoes, squash, or even mash potatoes as a third element.
Think of it this way:
leafy greens = ½ of your plate
protein = a little more than ¼ of your plate
complex carbs = a little less than ¼ of your plate
If you’re going to someone else’s house and know that greens are NOT their thing, bring a dish to share. Remember nobody is as into your health goals more than you!
8. Sit down and enjoy your company
While the tradition and fun can be in the cooking and decorating, remember human connection is a WONDERFUL thing. Be open to listening to quirky family stories, breaking awkward silent moments, or sharing something fun.
9. Take a walk again
Walks are great. We love walks. And walks WORK! From calming down stress, to getting your digestive juices flowing, a 10-minute walk can do wonders after dinner. If you can make it longer than 10 minutes, all the better. Oh and invite folks to walk with you! Make that a tradition.
10. Go easy on dessert overload
While sugar can be a culprit to gaining weight, you may not be into totally nixing it from your family traditions. If you are going to enjoy dessert, ENJOY a slice.
(Now we’re all grown ups here and we don’t really need to break down a visual of what a ‘slice’ looks like, right? Remember, the only person that you ‘cheat’ is yourself. Enjoy a piece and pack some for later, OK?
Ok, enjoy a very, very HAPPY THANKSGIVING from our kitchen and home, to yours (even if you don’t celebrate it).
with ❤ + soul,
the Wake the Wolves team
Kale. All Day. Err Day.
Hey Steph, thanks for the wonderful tips! Just as a heads up, I think you spelled “wear” comfy clothes wrong. Nonetheless, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Vienna! Thank you so much for the spell check correction. You have no idea how much we appreciate notes like that;) Just fixed it! Have a fab rest of your week and thanks for checking out the post!