You can ditch sugar completely, or try our 3 best healthy dessert recipes and tuck them in your back pocket for sweet celebrations.
Ninety-nine percent of the people that I’ve coached in health and fitness struggle with SUGAR cravings. (Little secret: it’s not your fault…completely). While other posts will shame the hands that dig for sweets, this post is going to focus on three bulletproof, healthy dessert alternatives to demonstrate that you DO have options.
Sugar makes life sweet, but the BIG problem with our day-to-day, is that we’re surrounded by it way too often to make “sweets” a real treat. Instead, they’ve become more of a “staple.”
Sugar in my coffee.
Sugar in my salad dressing.
Sugar in my sauce.
Sugar in my bread.
Sugar in my yogurt.
Sugar in my granola.
Sugar in my almond milk.
Sugar in my DESSERT!
Get the picture?
For some folks, removing sugar completely is the best solution for them – either permanently, OR for a short period of time (like during a cleanse). We dig that!
Now, if you are at point in your “healthy journey” where neither of the above is where you are at, and you are simply looking for a different solution, try these tactics:
- enjoy a piece/serving of fruit for your daily sweet
- read your food label ingredients, and/or…
- just try to remove as much processed foods in all of your meals
- cook most of your meals (so you know what’s in your food)
- enjoy special moments celebrating with healthy dessert alternatives(even if you’re the crazy one that brings dessert for everyone to share)
Check out these oldie but goodie favorites from three different SWEET spectrums:
- fruity
- chocolatey
- cold and creamy
Kale. All Day. Err Day.
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